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We invite you to apply for participation at the Laba Daba festival with creative activities that educate, delight or enrich the experience of festival visitors.

Application until May 15.


You can also use this as an opportunity to participate and enjoy the festival completely free of charge, while showing and telling about your activity to a wider audience. If the activity will be provided free of charge to festival visitors, we will most likely not charge for a trading spot at the festival.


Fill out the application form to let us know your needs and we will calculate the participation fee. We will definitely find a compromise that everyone is happy!


Activities can take place on Friday 17:00 - 20:00  and Saturday 11:00 - 20:00.


In the questionnaire you can write the timing that suits you the best. If you will provide the activity free of charge for the festival visitors & the amount of materials is limited, for example, there can be shorter operating times. We welcome activities at the festival example, soap bubbles, temporary tattoos, body paintings, games and plays, creative workshops, spa treatments, etc. Laba Daba is happy to offer its visitors interesting activities. And you are very welcome to apply!

Information and application form (in Latvian).  If you don't apply yourself, but know someone who does cool things, pass the message on!


Let's create and enjoy the perfect festival atmosphere together!

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